ROVA Adventure Twenty-Five, June/July 2021

ROVA Adventure Twenty-Five, June/July 2021


In this issue of ROVA, readers share stories of the unique experiences they’ve had on the road. Some will sound familiar; some might surprise you. Whatever your reaction, I hope they all inspire you to do something a little different.

Benedicte Grima reflects on a lifetime driving a manual car—despite it becoming an oddity in later years. Jasmine Ledesma explains the surreal familiarity of the gas station in the dead of night; Siobhan Bledsoe takes us on an unplanned journey across the US, where she finds comforting lifelines that reveal the shifting cultures, landscapes and lifestyles of the country.

Logan Stallings tries a regional delicacy for the first time ever, and the following events show her that it’s never what you worry about that eventuates. Michael Rubenstone visits a friend with a surprising revelation about life in a perfect house, and regular ROVA photographer Nicholas Spooner-Rodie brings us along on his impromptu trip to the Sierras.

We also look at rooftop tents, watercraft, and the lesser-known benefits of walking, and we take a loop around the country with our six regular destination features.

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